Salisbury 6 a-side Stadium Tournament 2025


Registrations for the Salisbury FC 6-a-side stadium tournament at the awesome Raymond McEnhill stadium are OPEN!!

After the incredibly positive feedback last year, the tournament will again include a dedicated competition for girl teams!

Girls: 10th May 2025, U9-U13

Mixed: 17th and 18th May 2025, U7-U14

The tournament is incredibly popular and several age groups are already full but we are operating waiting lists. Don't miss out and register now

U8, U9, U10, U11, U12 full with waiting lists

Sports Stars Sessions commencing soon!

The Sports Stars sessions will be back from the summer break on 28th September 2024. Same time, same place, same price. 

These fun sessions are aimed at 5 and 6 year olds who want to learn new skills, gain confidence and make new friends.

Each session is just £3 (purchased in blocks of 10). Contact Coach Giles if your young sports star would like to join us.


Mobile: 07557 477606

Youth Player Enquiries for 2024/25

Are you looking for a team for your son or daughter. Follow this link and complete the form to be contacted by the relevant team manager to see if there is availability. We look forward to hearing from you.

Most teams are currently full to capacity but we are happy to put you on a waiting list.

Youth Player Enquiry Form

Girl Football at Salisbury FC Youth


Our girl section is getting bigger and bigger every year and the standard of football the girls are displaying is getting every better. We are now looking to offer a team to some of the youngest girl players by creating an U9 team. If your daughter will be school year 3 or 4 in September and she is interested in playing football and making new friends then come along on a Tuesday night so meet the other players.

Please register your interest first by completing this form. A coach will then be in touch to give you all the details.

We look forward to meeting you.

Help us stop unacceptable behaviour at football matches

Stoneham Lane Access

Some of our teams play at the newly built facility Stoneham Lane Football Complex in Eastleigh. To enter the facility you will need to register and obtain a QR code. This applies to ALL PLAYERS, PARENTS, COACHES and anybody else who wants access to the ground. The link below will take you to the registration page. You must your smartphone to register!

Help us raise funds for SFC Youth

Salisbury FC Youth is a not for profit organisation, run 100% by unpaid volunteers. To be able to provide our players with the best training facilities, leagues and outfits whilst keeping the signing on fee as low as possible, we are constantly looking for ways to raise extra funds. 

Easyfundraising is an app that allows you to shop from 1000s of different online shops and raise money for SFC Youth at the same time. It doesn't cost you a penny, it won't increase the prices you pay for online goods and it doesn't involve many extra clicks. 

Thank you to all our hard working volunteer coaches

Every single one of our managers and coaches is a 100% volunteer. The vast majority of them got into coaching through their own children playing for Salisbury. Most of them started helping out as a parent and were eventually persuaded to take their coaching badges. As a Charter Standard club we pride ourselves that all our coaching staff are DBS checked and trained in Safeguarding Children and First Aid and they all hold a minimum of a Level 1 Coaching Qualification. Many of them are Level 2 or 3 and have further youth football qualifications. The one thing they all have in common is a passion for football and a passion for working with young players. Watching a young player grow his or her ability, confidence, social skills and the pure enjoyment of the game, is all the satisfaction our coaches require in return for their efforts.

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